
First blog post

This is the post excerpt.

Hi my name is Kim

I’m still very much learning about this blog page thing so please excuse me if things look a bit weird on my page at the moment.

I have attached a copy of my Ass#1 Step 1 for you all to read so please feel free to comment. ACCT11059 ACCOUNTING LEARNING AND ONLINE C0MMUNICATION Step 1

Happy learning!!


To submit or not to submit

So it is 9:30pm on Friday night and I have achieved my personal deadline of completing my assignment (I have a busy weekend planned so wouldn’t get a lot of time to spend on it). However, I keep re reading and checking and adding and subtracting, continually second guessing myself.

I wonder if others do this? It is not normally the case that I complete assignments early mainly just due to work commitments and I generally find myself submitting at the 11th hour. 

On this occasion though, I decided I would take a few days leave from work to commit the time required for this final assignment and I am so glad that I did. I’m not sure if I am slower than others in getting these Steps completed but I found the estimated time required to complete them was basically double for me.

In any case, I really feel like I have genuinely learnt a lot in completing Step 7-10 and also feel like I can use this knowledge in my everyday work life.

The question remains……….do I submit it now or drive myself nuts for the next two days? Probably the latter! 😩

Ass#2 Step 7-9 Draft Ready for Feedback

Hi Everyone,

I am a little bit behind in posting this and still have work to do on my Step 8 comments and discussions but I would really appreciate any feedback or comments you may have on my ratio’s or NPV and IRR.

Please see below.

Company Spreadsheet 2017 Ratios & NPV IRR


Peer Feedback Sheet Ass#2 Step 7-9

Hope you are all going well!

We are on the home stretch now. 🙂


Thank you


I just want to say thank you to those of you that made the time to provide valuable feedback to others.  It is proving more and more clear to me the need for us all to help each other.  Some of us can’t provide all the answers and just provide the tips and knowledge that they have gained through their own learning’s but I think that anything we can help to assist our peers is more than worth it.

Studying by distance for me is both a pro and a con.  What I know historically from my study is that I love the interaction with others in a class environment with real-time feedback.  Studying by distance has taught me patience but can be very frustrating at times when I just want to move on immediately after receiving the answer to a question.

The major pro is that I can schedule my own study time while juggling normal life with full-time work and children.

Either way I am enjoying the journey, including the challenges it brings.

I hope you are all progressing well or completed your Ass#2 3 & 4.  I know that I am feeling like I have achieved something today :-).

Enjoy the rest of your evening.



Ass#2 Step 4

Hello everyone,

I have spent this morning providing feedback to others and I surprisingly found it extremely helpful for my own company spreadsheet.  While reviewing others work I found some small mistakes in my own work and it also gave me a little bit more clarity on differentiating between operating and financial activities (I’m not 100% confident with that yet though).

Thank you to those that provided feedback for me so far, I just need one more to complete the assignment.

Below is the feedback that I provided others in case may help someone else.

Feedback form – Milan

Feedback form – Hennie

Feedback form – Chloe

Have a great day!


That feeling you have when you complete an assignment!!!!!!

I’ve just completed Ass#1 and I feel so good.

At the start of this week I was feeling overwhelmed, I had so much to do. Major project to finish at work, packing for a cruise (leaving tomorrow), getting prepared to be in a wedding party (on the cruise), two children and so it goes on, but I have done it.

I can now finish packing and enjoy myself for a moment.

Martin if you are reading this, don’t worry I have printed off all the material for the next step in Ass#2 that I can read while cruising the Pacific Ocean for 7 days. 🙂

I really hope everyone is going well and starting to feel good about nearing the end of the assignment.



Ass#1 Steps 2-6 Final Draft


Although I posted my first draft last weekend, I thought I should post my final draft which includes Step 5 this time. I’d love to get some feedback from those of you who have some time.  I would really appreciate it.


Company Spreadsheet 2017 (1)

Feedback sheet

I hope you are all going well and nearing the final step.



Step 2 & 3 Draft and Company Spreadsheet

Hi again,

Finally completed Step 2 & 3 draft and my company spreadsheet.

I have read through Chapters 2 and 3 so now just need to get typing.

I thought I would share what I have done so far and more than welcome comments please.


Company Spreadsheet 2017 (1)

Feedback sheet

Hope everyone had a good weekend!
